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Kauai Hawaii Day 6-7

Our flight to Kauai from Oahu was pretty short (about 30 minutes) and was around $120 round trip. We came back to Oahu our second to last day to fly home.

The first thing you need to know about Kauai is that there are chickens… EVERYWHERE!
Wal-mart parking lot, chickens! Side of the road, chickens! You can not get away from them, and they don’t care, they will come right up to you. I had a strange new found love for these bizarre animals after this trip.

If you are taking a trip to Hawaii I highly recommend going to Kauai at least for part of your trip! Oahu is nice, but very touristy. Kauai was way more our style, with its 25-40 mph speed limits and basically one road that takes you everywhere. The life style there is super laid back and the vibe is way more “Cowabunga, Dude”, which was refreshing.

We stayed on a tropical farm house we found on I would strongly recommend finding a house to stay at, although they are buckling down on where vacation homes are allowed to be rented, so keep that in mind. Our house for the week was full of charm and adorable animals.
There were baby chicks, goats and pigs. We loved feeding the goats banana leaves for a treat.

Our home for the week…

Oh and don’t be scared of the compost toilets at the local homes. They aren’t bad :)

Day 6- May 6th, 2014:

After our flight we got to our new home and took a nice nap. Then we ate at the Olymic Cafe in town which had great healthy, non-fried food (which Oahu seemed to have a lot of). We then walked around town and checked out some of the shops.

Day 7- May 7th, 2014:

We took a long drive to the other side of the island to Waimea Canyon, where we hiked, saw chickens, and swam in an icy cold, but extremely beautiful waterfall. This is a must see! The views are absolutely breathtaking! The hiking is not very easy though so be careful with small kids and anyone who can’t do a little bit some strenuous hiking. The early parts were easier, so you could always turn back when it gets more difficult.


  This water was so cold it literally took our breath away! What an amazing experience!

There was a farm stand at the beginning of the hiking trail, so we tried a Mountain Apple. They were really good and much softer than a regular apple.

There were wild goat.

Once we got back to our car from hours of hiking our car battery was dead… it was a car that came with our house rental and we were hours away from the house, on top of a mountain, in the middle of nowhere, with no cell phone service and it was starting to get dark. We found that most of the people we came across were tourists too and had rental cars. Rental cars should really have jumper cables in each cars trunk, because not one person had any. Luckily we flagged down a local coming home from work on top of the mountain and we got it started!

Then we ate at this awesome place called Tiki Tacos. It was so good we ate there a couple of times on our trip.

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