Dayton Ohio Santa Photo Sessions

A child in a festive outfit sits on Santa's lap during a Dayton, Ohio Santa session with Ashley Lynn Photography.

A family of three pose for a Christmas family photo with Santa Claus in a cozy white room decked out for the holidays in Dayton, Ohio.

During a Dayton, Ohio Christmas photoshoot, Santa holds a teddy bear with a small child on a cozy white couch.

Professional Photos with Santa

If you are looking for a Christmas photography event in Dayton, Ohio, look no further than Ashley Lynn Photography’s Santa Experience. It has become a magical Christmas tradition that is beloved by many! Not only will your children get their photos taken with Santa, but it also gives them the opportunity to visit with the “real” Santa without feeling rushed. It’s the rushing and long lines that, let’s be honest, take away from the entire magic of meeting Santa. So if you are looking for a Dayton, Ohio Santa photo session, then look no further! Get more tips for pictures with Santa HERE!

Santa travels all over the world to visit with children and bring joy to all. Not just on Christmas Eve night like some believe! His classic red Christmas suit and boots are custom-made and really shine for the photographs. Also, did you know that Santa is bilingual, fluent in ASL and welcomes kids with special needs? He is the real deal!

Join us for the yearly Santa Experience!
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A young child sits on Santa's lap during a photo session with Ashley Lynn Photography.

A dad holds his son wearing a festive sweater while Santa hands him a cookie during a photoshoot in Ohio.

Two parents sit with their young son on a couch while opening Christmas presents with beautiful Christmas trees in the background.

Dayton, Ohio Santa Photo Sessions with Ashley Lynn Photography

These Dayton Ohio Santa Photo Sessions come only once a year! The goal of these holiday sessions is to be as stress-free as possible! Keep reading to get the full download on exactly what to expect on photo day. This will help not only you, but you can also walk your children through what’s to come.

Before the session: Help your child get to know Santa. Talk about him, show them books & movies so that they are familiar with him before getting pictures with Santa.
When you arrive you will find stairs up to the photography studio, so please let me know when you book your photoshoot if stairs are a concern. We can make other arrangements to ensure every child has a chance to visit with Santa and have their photos taken with him.

During the session: First things first, the children will have the opportunity to tell Santa what they’re wishing for this Christmas. This is when we will have both candid and posed photographs taken. There will be opportunities for Santa to read them a book or just chat and joke with them. Whatever makes your child the most comfortable. 

You’ll also have the opportunity to add a family photo without Santa to the session. That’s basically two Christmas sessions in one!

Tip: We totally understand if your baby or young children are slow to warm up to strangers. For this, the big man has a few tricks up his sleeve. If anyone stays a bit uneasy, we can always have Santa stay in the background so he can still be in the shot, but from a “safe”  distance.

After the session: Each child will receive a special gift from Santa and the best cookies you’ve ever eaten, compliments of Mrs. Claus (AKA Bella Boo Cookies)

After the photoshoot, your kids can write Santa a letter and put it in the special mailbox. Every once in a while a child will get star struck and forget to mention a gift when talking with Santa, so just have them write it down and put in Santa’s mail box.

In Dayton, Ohio with Ashley Lynn Photography, a family of three sit in a cozy, Christmas room and pose for a photo with Santa Claus.

A young child wearing a red sweater with a reindeer on it laughs while Santa Claus' arm pokes into the frame.

A mom and dad hold their son while sitting on a couch during their Dayton, Ohio Santa session with Ashley Lynn Photography.

Yearly Santa Experience in Dayton, Ohio

Once the images are ready, you will receive an email with a link to your gallery with your images. These photos with Santa will be a special keepsake of your kids that they can remember and enjoy forever!

Santa photos are perfect for your holiday cards, gifts for grandparents or a custom Christmas album for the kids to flip though each year. You can print out a few of your favorite images and display them every year when you decorate for Christmas.

Booking for the Ashley Lynn Photography’s Santa Experience usually starts in the summer before the upcoming holiday season. Then the Santa sessions themselves are typically scheduled in November each year. This allows for plenty of time to get your images and time to make and send out your Christmas cards.

If you want to know when booking opens up for next year, sign up for my newsletter at the button below. 

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Xoxo, Ashley

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